Friday, March 15, 2024

The Fair Game: Final Task for AICE Media Studies

Here it is! My final task, I hope you all enjoy!

Production - the music and the voiceovers


Hello everyone!

Welcome back! As promised, this is the music blog. In fact, it's the last music blog from me. After this blog, will be the final project, all said and done! I hope you all will like it. But in any case, it's not our now. And we still have to talk about the music and voiceovers! So, let's get into it.

I'll start off with the voiceovers. It was difficult to figure out what we wanted to do for the voiceovers. All me and my group knew was that we definitely needed them, because the background noise in our video was too loud. You couldn't even hear us almost at all in some scenes. The biggest problem was because of our schedules, it was hard for us to find a time to meet up to do them. So, we decided it would be best for us to do them separately, and we would send them to our main editor, Karina, and she would implement them.

I was skeptical, because I didn't think it was likely that the voiceovers would match up. However, I trusted her judgement. There also weren't many other options. I went by the script, each line I stopped the voiceovers. I did this because I thought it would be easier for her to make them fit.

After all our voiceovers were in, she sent the video to us and it sounded good! Some scenes looked a little weird, but it wasn't too easy to tell. With the music, I went on CapCut and looked up free music that would fit the things we talked about earlier. I found them without too much trouble, and sent them to Karina. So now, everything is in place! I hope you like our video, because it will be my next blog.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Production - overall filming experience


Hello everyone!

Welcome back to another blog! Last time I saw you all was in February. It's been some time! I hope you all are well. We're taking a break from music this time, and instead I'll be talking about my overall filming experience. I had a great time filming, and it was really fun to experiment with new scenery, and new angles and shots. Now, enough with the introduction, let's get into it!

If I were to rate the filming from 1 to 10, I would probably give it about a 7. I think that with our time crunch, we were able to get a good amount done. However, I felt like in some scenes our acting could have been better. Additionally, I think our story wasn't as clear as it could be, because of the way our shots were put together. 

It was fun to experiment with different places and angles, to make the background more fun and fair-like. We tried our best to involve the carnival rides in the background as much as possible. However, I think in some scenes we were rushing too much to be thinking a lot about this in every scene. Like in the scene where me and Karina were looking for ech other, I specifically remember that that was when we were running late on time and you could tell. The acting for me wasn't the best and the scenery around us was rather dull. All in all with more time, I think we could have done a better job at this.

In the end, although the beginning part of filming was fun and exciting, as time went on it got more and more stressful. Because of this, our filming also became not as good. In my next blog, I'll jump back to the music portion of the project, so stay tuned!

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Production - the music continues

 Hello everyone!

Welcome back to another blog! How are you all? It's been a little while. I hope you all are well. This blog, as you can tell by the title, is about music. More specifically, it is about how me and my group chose a more specific choice on music. 

In the first blog about music, I talked about the rules we had to follow. However, this blog will be about the general ideas for what type of music we want for each scene. Along with that, I'll talk about the type/genre of the music within the scenes as well. Now, enough talking, let's get into it!

The first thing we wanted to do is make sure that during all the high intensity scenes, we had thrilling music behind it. We wanted something scary and fast paced. In the scenes where we see the stalker behind us, but isn't running or anything, we want some eerie kind of music. This music will help set a mood for each scene. 

And finally, I touched on this in the last blog, but we wanted to have a background sound, rather than specific music. This was because our original background noise was pretty bad. 

That was our further ideas on music. I and my group think that it's a good way to focus more on the eerie and suspenseful mood in some of the scenes. Also, the new background noise should make it seem more professional. Now, all that was left was to find those music/sounds. I'll talk about that in the next blog, so stay tuned!

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Production blog - peer review


Hello Everyone!

    Welcome back to another blog! How are you all? I know it's been a little while since my last upload, I published this a day later than planned. But to catch you all up, in the last blog I talked about our re-edit. In this one, I'll be going over my peer review of the people I worked with for the final project. 

    In general, my group mates were a pleasure to work with; we all knew each other before hand, so that helped with communication and our overall working experience. Additionally, it was pretty easy to figure out roles for everyone to ensure that we all did work, and a similar amount. For example, Karina worked a lot on the script for our project, I worked on details like assigning characters, Jennifer was the main Filmer, and Makenna helped with coming up with producer names, etc, although we all helped out each other when we needed, and could easily give our opinions or something we thought could be changed, which was helpful to ensure everyone was happy with the project.

    I also thought that we all had a good work ethic, making sure we did all the work that we needed to on time, and never over promised anything. Our teamwork skills were also good when we went to film, because we were able to discuss things like angles, shots, or any changes in the story that we felt needed last-minute changes. 

    Especially when we had the mirror maze incident, I felt like we as a group handled it well, by not freaking out and because we were able to communicate well, it helped quicken the process of changing our story, and I think we did it in the best way we could. I really don't have anything to complain about regarding my groupmates and anything we could have done better. Of course, we could have done more pre-planning or other details, but relating to my groupmates specifically, they are all great workers, and it was a pleasure to work with them! That pretty much sums up my peer review, I'll see you all in my next blog!

Monday, February 26, 2024

Production blog - re-edit


Hello Everyone!

Welcome back to another blog! I hope you are all doing well! In the last blog, I talked about our music choices and ideas. I focused on the rules we had to follow, to make sure we didn't mess it up. In this blog, I'll be talking about our editing! Specifically, in implementing all our production companies and directors, etc. 

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Production - Music Choices


Welcome Everyone!

It's so nice to see you all again! How are you? I hope you are all doing well, and are in the mood for some music! Because this blog is all about that. In this blog, I'll go over me and my group's plan for music! There are a few rules and regulations to go over before anything, so I'll explain those too. Without further adieu, let's get started!

Music is very important to this short intro to our movie. It'll give the clips a special flare to them. The music is also important because it will help drown out the background noise. However, me and my group were discussing logistics, and we think it would be nice to still hear some background carnival music. But the issue is that our background noise could be better. 

What I mean is that there are random people's conversations, kids screaming, random music that doesn't fit the scene, etc. So we decided to try to look for carnival sounds or something that we can use to lay over the music, in the background. 

Additionally, we have to be careful about what we choose, because we don't want to be plagiarized for using people's copywritten work without permission. Well, stay tuned for the next blog where I talk about our editing after the fact!

Friday, February 23, 2024

Production - The editing begins


Hello everyone!

Welcome back to another blog! In the last blog, I talked more about our experiences with filming. I talked about some problems that came up, as well as what we did to fix them as best we could. With the issues relating to the mirror maze, we had to change our editing slightly too. 

After coming up with an idea of how to film without including the mirror maze, we had to make sure we got all the scenes fast because we were so low on time. Our group member, Karina, is mostly in charge of the editing. A few days after filming, she began to put our clips into an editing app and begin putting them in order. Additionally, she is going to clip the shots so they look cleaner. Once we make more progress on things like where to put fonts and more on the style of our video, we can edit more of the details. This includes saturation, color themes, etc.

After she put all the videos together and clipped them, she told us one or two of the shots were missing. Me and my group were debating whether we should go to another fair (because the other one had closed) and film the few shots that were missing. After some debating, we decided it would be fine if those shots were not in the video. The ones that we didn't film were not very important to the overall video, and it would be a lot of work to find another fair and go there just for 1-2 shots. The video still makes sense, and I think overall, the editing so far has gone well.

Even though the filming wasn't perfect, the editing is doing as good as it can. Stay tuned for my next blog where I talk about our music choices! 

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Production - Mirror maze saga


Hello everyone!

    Welcome back to another blog! Today is the last filming blog, so I'll finish up by telling you about the mirror maze saga, and what we did to counteract it. It affected the rest of our night. As well as that, it also affected the video itself. So, without further adieu, let's get into it.

    Last blog, I talked about the first half of our night, and how that went. If you don't remember, the general thing I talked about the effects of the motorcycle showcase, as well as our filming experience. After about an hour of filming, we made our way to the mirror maze. 

    It was going fine so far; we were filming scenes of us running towards it, and messing around with the angles and such. Until, when we went up to the person running the mirror maze and asked him if it was okay to film in there, and he said... no. No? 

    We did keep this in mind in case it happened, but didn't really expect it to, so we were very surprised. Not to mention the fact that he had quite a bit of attitude. But, we thought it wouldn't hurt to try and get some quick shots anyway. 

    We tried for the shots, but they didn't really look good; the mirror maze was small, and we were sort of rushing, so we decided to disregard the maze entirely. Instead, we kept to the storyline and its main parts but altered it slightly so we could just film around the fair. 

    It worked out okay, but it ran the risk of us missing some key shots. Additionally, we were already rushed on time, and this incident made us even more stressed. Finally, after filming was over and we got most of the scenes done, it was time for the final shot: the establishing shot on the faires wheel. Everything went relatively smoothly, and we were finally able to leave, finally. It was about 10:30 when we finally left the fair.

Stay tuned for my next blog where I talk about our editing!

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

production - a dive into filming

 Hello everyone!

    Welcome back to another blog! Did you miss me? In the previous blog, I talked about our experience at the fair when first entering, and the problems that arose from it. Today, however, I'll go more in-depth about our filming experience. 

    Because we were short on time, we had to improvise our filming schedule so that filming was more efficient. For example, in our second scene after getting tickets, we were going to do our establishing shot on a Ferris wheel. However, the line was long and was far away. So, we decided to do that last. 

    Another issue that came up while filming was that we noticed as we talked and looked back at the film, It was very hard to hear us. So, after some thinking, we decided that we were just going to film everything and in the moments where we talked, we would do a voice-over.

    It was fun to mess around with different angles of different shots. However, we had to make sure that we included all the mandatory shots. It was also important that we went to the right locations for shots, to make the scenery more exciting. 

    As time went on, we were losing more and more time, and we were getting worried that there would not be enough time to film our shots. On top of this, a big problem came up regarding the mirror maze itself, but I'll talk about that in the next blog. 

    Something I feel like I could have done better in some of the scenes is my acting. Because we were late on time, some of the scenes I and my groupmates had to rush on. So, I would tend to rush some of the shorter scenes, and you can tell in the clips. However, it's not too big of a deal because most of the scenes are short.

    All in all, the filming went relatively well regarding our time. Stay tuned for the next blog where I go into detail about the mirror maze saga!

CCR Video