Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Production - The Motorcycle Incident and bathroom exits


Hello everyone!

    I'm so happy to be back with the blogs! It's been a while, so there's a lot to cover. Me and my group have done a lot of filming so far, so without further adieu, let's get into it!

    As you all may remember, our plan for the final task was to film at a fair, and thankfully, we were able to make that work. It was a ways away from where I lived however, about an hour away, but it was a good location because the fair was quite large so there were plenty of places to film. 

    Me, Makenna, and Karina all went together in the same car, while Jennifer went separately, and she entered the fair without us, which actually was a problem. Once you enter the fair, you're not allowed to leave and enter again, so our first idea of filming us walking into the fair was in jeopardy. Luckily though, we were able to film us getting tickets from inside the fair, so it wasn't much of a problem. 

    Now, you're probably wondering; Madeleine, why does the title of this blog say motorcycle incident? Well, I'll tell you. 

    You see, we wanted to be able to have plenty of time to film, in case we had to mess around with different shots, retakes, etc. Because of this, we allowed ourselves roughly 3 hours to film, which seemed like plenty. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. When me, Makenna, and Karina first entered the fair, we didn't go through the main entrance by accident, long story short we had to enter through the exit of a bathroom or the back door and were greeted by hundreds of motorcycles. It was literally hundreds, one of the announcers said it. 

    It turned out that the day that we went, there was some kind of motorcycle showcase or something we knew nothing about. It took over an hour and a half to finally start filming because there was no way for us to enter the fair from where we were. Stay tuned for our next blog where I talk more about our filming experiences!

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